Time Tables


This document aims at recording the different deadlines that the CLE team tries to aim for its planning.

Please be aware that all initiatives briefed in will be reviewed by our review team which includes: CLE members (manager, project owner, technical leads and agile practitioner), Fedora Representative, CentOS Representative, who will make a decision to accept this work, or decline due to unavailability of time/people, etc. All accepted initiatives will be added to our backlog


  • 2020

    • Q4: October to December

      • Q4 deadline for proposal submission: September 9th

      • Q4 planning session: September 18th

      • Q4 starting date: October 5th

  • 2021

    • Q1: January to March

      • Q1 deadline for proposal submission: November 27th

      • Q1 planning session: December 10th - To be confirmed

      • Q1 starting date: January 4th 2021

    • Q2: April to June

      • Q2 deadline for proposal submission: March 12th

      • Q2 planning session: March 25th

      • Q2 starting date: April 5th

    • Q3: July to September

      • Q3 deadline for proposal submission: June 10th

      • Q3 planning session: June 24th

      • Q3 starting date: July 5th

    • Q4: October to December

      • Q4 deadline for proposal submission: September 9th

      • Q4 planning session: September 23rd

      • Q4 starting date: October 4th

The closer to the proposal submission deadline we get the less time proposals will have to be properly scoped which may result in the proposal not being considered or picked for the next quarter. The more time a proposal has, the more time it gives us to understand and scope it.


  • 2020

    • Q1: January to March

    • Q2: April to June

      • Q2 deadline for proposal submission: March 9th

      • Q2 planning session: March 18th

    • Q3: July to September

      • Q3 deadline for proposal submission: June 9th

      • Q3 planning session: June 18th

      • Q3 starting date: July 5th