Federa Server WG Governance Charter

Stephen Daley, Peter Boy Versión all Last review: 2023-04-18
This is an approved document,
It was originally approved by the Server Working Group on November 5, 2013, and by FESCo on November 6, 2013, The latest version was approved September 12, 2017.

This document describes the governing structure for the Fedora Server WG.


The Fedora Server Working Group has a variable number of members. This group is primarily an organizational team; they exist solely to establish quorum during voting meetings.

Any WG member may voluntarily exit their chair at any time. New members may be added to the Working Group by being nominated by an existing member, then getting a +1 vote and zero -1 votes from three existing members within a two-week period. After that window is up, the person is added to the group.

The current composition of the Server Working Group can usually be found at the Server landing page.

Making Decisions

Because Fedora is a global project, members of the working group may be distributed across multiple timezones. It may be possible to have real-time IRC meetings or Google+ hangouts, but in general we will conduct business on the mailing list or announce either IRC meetings or Google+ hangout events in advance should they take place.

The Server Working Group strives to work on consensus and only vote on things where it’s clear people aren’t going to be convinced to agree. Many of our decisions can be made through "lazy consensus." Under this model, an intended action is announced on the mailing list, discussed, and if there is no controversy or dissenting views with a few days, simply done.

For bigger issues, they must be discussed and voted on in a public IRC meeting. Public IRC meetings are generally held most weeks on Tuesdays at 4:00pm Eastern US time in #fedora-meeting on Libera. For an IRC meeting to be held, at least three Working Group members must be present. Votes are accepted by all participants in the meeting (not just those of Working Group members), so the community is highly encouraged to join. In the case where an interested party can not make it to a meeting, they can pre-vote via the mailing list.