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Documentazione Utente di Fedora Linux

Il Fedora Doc Team Version F40 Last review: 2023-11-05

La documentazione di Fedora fornisce informazioni esaurienti su come installare e utilizzare il sistema operativo Fedora e il software distribuito dal Progetto Fedora. Fedora è un progetto di grandi dimensioni. Pertanto, l’attenzione si concentra sulle spiegazioni di base e sui riferimenti alla documentazione dettagliata dei vari sottoprogetti. Un’attenzione particolare è rivolta a rendere più facile agli utenti nuovi l’avvio del sistema.

Negli ultimi decenni il software libero ha prodotto risultati e soluzioni tecniche eccezionali. Un esempio è il server Apache, che oggi è utilizzato dalla stragrande maggioranza dei siti web e fornisce informazioni all’intera Internet. Questo fa passare rapidamente in secondo piano un fatto che Richard Stallman ha sottolineato già nel 1997:

"La più grande carenza nei sistemi operativi liberi non è nel software - è la mancanza di buoni manuali liberi che possiamo includere in questi sistemi." nota:[Software libero e manuali liberi, disponibile da]

Questo è lo spirito che ispira il team della documentazione di Fedora a svolgere il lavoro, spesso duro e dispendioso in termini di tempo, sulla nostra documentazione.

You’ll find here a bunch of information:

Come iniziare

First time with Fedora Linux? New users find here extensive information to get Fedora up and running

Upgrade del sistema

Do you already have a Fedora Linux edition or Spin up and running? You don’t need to reinstall your system to get the new release. Fedora has put a lot of work into making an in-place update reliable and fully automated.

Fedora 40 release notes

Contains extensive information about new and modified features of the current release. Users are advised to skim this information to check if they may be affected by one of the changes or are now able to resolve an issue with a new feature

Fedora 39 release notes

Fedora supports the current and the previous release. As a reference here is a quick link to the previous release notes.

In the top bar, you can select older release notes.

A newbie’s primer

Are you new to Linux? Here we provide some facts, vocabulary, and links for a first orientation.

You may also look at Fedora Magazine, featuring often-updated articles of interest to Fedora users from beginner to expert, and from Raspberry Pi to the desktop to servers to the cloud.

Getting help

There are many places on the internet that can help you when you encounter a problem not described in this chapter: discussion boards, blogs, IRC, and more. Some of the more popular places where you can find help include:

  • Ask Fedora - Fedora’s knowledge base and community-driven question-and-answer site, available in multiple languages

  • The #fedora Matrix room on Fedora Chat - one of the main Matrix/IRC channels used by Fedora users, English only

  • You may also look at Fedora Magazine, featuring often-updated articles of interest to Fedora users from beginner to expert

  • Stack Exchange - an English language Q&A board, not specific to Fedora

The above list is by no means complete - you can find help in many other places as well. Additional information about available resources such as Matrix rooms and mailing lists is available at Communication in Fedora.

Before you open a new discussion or ask anyone for help on IRC, you should always do some research on your own. If you are encountering an issue, there is usually a good chance that someone else ran into the same problem before you and published a solution somewhere. Opening a discussion about something already explained elsewhere, or asking a common question that has been answered many times before, is not likely to result in a friendly, constructive response.

When you ask for help troubleshooting problems related to the installation, you may be asked to provide log files generated by the installer. Consult the corresponding documentation to learn how to access a suitable log file.

Join the community

Fedora has a vibrant community. The meeting place is the Fedora Discussion Forum.

O Fedora é um grande projeto. Alguns de nós vão se lembrar quando nós começamos a se envolver com o Fedora. Não foi fácil obter uma visão geral e encontrar uma maneira de contribuir com seus interesses e habilidades da melhor maneira possível. Felizmente, agora nós temos uma iniciativa para pavimentar o caminho para novos participantes e providenciar alguma orientação. Dê uma olhada em 'Não sabe por onde começar? Venha sair com a gente!' e/ou pule dentro das atividades 'Bem-vindo ao Fedora'.

How to help us and give you back a better working Fedora

The Fedora Documentation Project only actively maintains documentation for the most recent release and the one before it. We also preserve older documentation on this site for historical interest and to acknowledge the generous contribution of time and effort by many, many writers and translators.

Please help us to improve the documentation

We are always working to update and further improve this documentation. To do this, we rely on feedback. If you find errors, miss, or don’t clearly understand a piece of specific information, or have suggestions for improvement, open an issue at our documentation repository.

In the issue:

  1. Provide a summary of the error or your suggestion in the Issue Title field.

  2. Copy the following template into the Comment field and give us the details of the error or suggestion as specifically as you can. If possible, include some surrounding text so we know where the error occurs or the suggestion fits.

    Document URL:
    Section name:
    Error or suggestion:
    Additional information:
  3. Click the Create Issue button.

We appreciate everyone who put in the effort to improve documentation.