使用 GNOME Boxes 安装虚拟操作系统

Ankursinha, Brunovernay, Hhlp Version unknown Last review: 2021-02-14
GNOME Boxes 是 GNOME 桌面环境中的一个应用程序,它使您能够虚拟访问各种操作系统。

Installing a virtual operating system from the list of predefined systems

To install a virtual operating system:

  1. Run GNOME Boxes using the Super key and type Boxes. In GNOME Boxes, click the + button and then Create a Virtual Machine.

    New machine
  2. Download an operating system.

    Download your system

    Choose one of the predefined systems from the list.

    Select machine

    Alternatively, download an ISO image from the relevant website and select the file as shown in the screen below:

    Select from file
  3. Review your installation.

    Installation review

    To modify resources of the installed virtual operating system, such as RAM or disk size, click the Customize button.

    Customize resources
  4. To start the installation of the virtual operating system, click the Create button.

    The actual installation process may differ based on the selected operating system.

    Installed systems are available to run in the main menu of GNOME Boxes.

    Select operating system