
Tim dok Fedora Versi F40 Last review: 2024-03-04
Panduan ini bermaksud menyediakan ringkasan dan pengenalan ke memasang Fedora. Ini mempertimbangkan pengguna dengan berbagai tingkat pengetahuan dan pengalaman dengan Fedora, sehingga mencakup rincian yang lebih dalam daripada yang mungkin diperlukan oleh sebagian pengguna. Ini mestinya membantu pengguna baru untuk menyelesaikan proses instalasi tanpa interupsi. Pengguna dapat melewati bagian tentang topik-topik yang sudah akrab.


Panduan ini mencakup instalasi Fedora, distribusi Linux yang dibangun di atas perangkat lunak bebas dan sumber terbuka. Panduan ini membantu Anda menginstal Fedora pada desktop, laptop, dan server. Sistem instalasinya mudah digunakan, bahkan jika Anda tidak memiliki pengetahuan tentang Linux atau jaringan komputer. Jika Anda memilih opsi baku, Fedora menyediakan sistem operasi yang lengkap, dengan pengaturan keamanan yang mantap dan termasuk aplikasi produktivitas, utilitas Internet, dan alat administrasi.

Fedora disediakan dalam beberapa distribusi yang dirancang untuk tujuan khusus. Kami menyebutnya Editions dan spins.

Karena perbedaan ini, tidak ada prosedur instalasi tunggal.

Most editions and spins, but not all, use Anaconda, the Fedora installer, but in a way that is quite different in detail.

Oleh karena itu, setiap edisi menjelaskan instalasi secara terpisah. Sebagian besar spin didasarkan pada edisi, kebanyakan Fedora Workstation, dan menggunakan prosedur instalasi yang sesuai.

Namun demikian, ada beberapa langkah persiapan yang hampir sama untuk semua varian, misalnya Anda perlu menyiapkan media instalasi.

Fedora variants and how to install

Fedora Workstation Edition

This variant is installed by using a Live CD

Fedora Workstation Spins

Most spins use a Live CD for installation as well.

Software download at

Fedora Server Edition

This variant provides a flexible and highly adaptable Server, suitable to provide a wide range of services.

The project provides a dedicated installation guide and documentation about usage and administration.

Fedora IoT Edition

This variant implements a server for the 'Internet of Things' or 'edge computing'

The project provides a dedicated installation guide and documentation about usage and administration.

Edisi Fedora CoreOS

A minimal, container-focused operating system, designed for clusters but also operable standalone. The project provides a Getting Started guide.

Fedora Silverblue

An immutable desktop variant of Fedora Workstation Edition, featuring the GNOME desktop, and an excellent platform for container-focused workflows.

Fedora Kinoite

An immutable desktop variant of Fedora Workstation Edition, featuring the KDE Plasma desktop, and an excellent platform for container-focused workflows.

Fedora Sericea

An immutable desktop variant of Fedora Workstation Edition, featuring the Sway tiling window manager, and an excellent platform for container-focused workflows.

Fedora Onyx

An immutable desktop variant of Fedora Workstation Edition, featuring the Budgie desktop, and an excellent platform for container-focused workflows.

More information at

Fedora Cloud

As the name indicates, it focuses on Fedora on cloud networks. Installation and usage follows the respective cloud systems.

More information at

Fedora Labs

Curated bundles of purpose-driven software, maintained by community members. The respective compilations are either installed as independent, complete Fedora versions or complement existing Fedora installations.

According to different usage und purposes the variation not only differ in their installation process, they differ in administration and usage. To learn how to use an installed Fedora system, see the manuals available at the specific variant documentation pages.

Regarding installation, be especially prepared for the fact that each variant requires additional post-installation processes.

General preparations

Despite all the differentiation, some things are the same for all variants.

Download the software deliverables

The differentiation according to tasks and areas of application corresponds to a differentiation of the download options and the further processing.

To find out more about Fedora download options, see Fedora Downloads.

Visit the Fedora Project website to download a distribution file.

Prepare boot media

Instalasi pada perangkat keras biasanya membutuhkan transfer berkas unduhan ke media yang dapat di-boot, biasanya berupa flash disk USB. Fedora Media Writer adalah alat yang dipilih, dikembangkan dan didukung oleh Fedora.

Alternatively you may try balenaEtcher or the Ventoy project, both available for Linux, macOS, and Windows. The latter is specifically useful if you want to have several distributions and versions available on one stick.

Getting Additional Help

If you encounter any problems which are not described in documentation, you might get help from members of the community - developers, users, and others. There are many ways to get help: the Ask Fedora website, mailing lists, forums, or IRC.

The discussion forum Ask Fedora is the recommended way to start with. See Getting help for detailed information.


If you use an NVIDIA GPU and are experiencing significant visual issues while running Fedora from a live USB, it could be that your GPU is not fully compatible with the FOSS Nouveau driver. One possible workaround for this situation is to do the following 3 steps:

  1. During the live USB boot process, hit e at the GRUB boot menu.

  2. Find the line that begins with linux, and add nouveau.modeset=0 to the end of that line.

  3. Press <ctrl> + x to resume the boot process.